Aging Gracefully: 5 Facts About Wrinkles
Let’s face it: wrinkles are an inevitable part of the aging process. But guess what? Not all wrinkles are created equal. Understanding the different types of wrinkles and how they form is the best way to age gracefully.
Check out the five wrinkle facts below:
1) There are two types of wrinkles: dynamic and static. Dynamic (or active) wrinkles appear when we use muscles to form facial expressions, such as frowning or furrowing the brow. Static wrinkles are the ones that develop as we get older when natural substances like collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid decrease in production.
2) Even in the car, you still run the risk of developing sun-related wrinkles. Though it might feel like you’re protected, a car window isn’t enough to shield your skin from harmful UVA rays – regardless if it’s sunny or not. Wearing sun screen on a daily basis is the best way to prevent sun damage while driving.
3) Smoking can cause wrinkles and skin damage. We all know smoking is bad for our health, but did you also know it’s bad for your skin? Nicotine deprives the skin of oxygen, causing it to deteriorate over time. Other chemicals found in cigarettes can cause damage the skin’s underlying elastin and collagen. While the physical act of smoking can result in dynamic wrinkles over time.
4) Frown lines may mean vision problems. Rather than indicating age or sun damage, frown lines might actually mean it’s time for an eye exam. Many people overcompensate for poor vision by squinting. This repeated contraction can cause wrinkles to develop on the forehead and between the brows over time. If you address eye issues soon enough, you’ll be able to soften the appearance of fine lines on the upper face.
5) Poor diet can contribute to wrinkles. Unhealthy foods that contain excessive sugar can cause the protein fibers of your skin (including collagen and elastin) to become stiff over time – eventually resulting in wrinkles. Avoiding sugary foods and sticking to a diet high in fruits and veggies that contain antioxidants can help repair and protect your skin.
The Anti-Aging Benefits of Red Wine
By now, you’ve probably heard of and possibly even toasted to some of the anti-aging benefits of red wine. Resveratrol, an antioxidant which has been shown to slow the aging process, is a natural component of red wine.
Resveratrol is one of 600 antimicrobial compounds known as phytoalexin. These compounds are made by plants and can shield the skin from harmful UV exposure, infections and climate change – which ultimately leads to an anti-aging effect on the skin.
Though numerous studies have investigated the benefits of ingesting resveratrol; few have looked at the antioxidant’s effectiveness when applied externally to the skin. Despite this, a number of new skincare spa treatments (otherwise known as “red wine baths”) have come out recently claiming to reduce signs of aging with the help of resveratrol.
So what has research shown us so far?
- A 2005 study from the National Institute of Health found resveratrol to serve as highly effective sunblock when applied to the skin of laboratory animals.
- A 2011 study from the American Journal of Clinical Dermatology found that human subjects who applied a gel containing resveratrol to their skin benefited from a 54 percent reduction in acne.
From the current available research, resveratrol does seem to be an effective topical skin treatment. However, it’s important to recognize that these studies only investigated regular use of resveratrol – which means you should probably think twice before dropping a significant amount of cash on a spa treatment that involves only a single session.
Tried-and-True Treatments
If you’re feeling a little sceptical about resveratrol, we suggest opting for some tried-and-true anti-aging treatments that will improve your complexion instead.
Popular minimally invasive treatments include microdermabrasion, chemical peels and laser skin resurfacing. Skincare products such as Vitamin C and tretinoin can also improve the tone and texture of your skin, producing a healthy, luminous glow.
Source: CBS News
Four Hard-to-Hide Signs of Aging
Advances in skin care have made it easier to age gracefully. So much so that it can be pretty hard to guess someone’s age these days – unless you know where to look. Below are four common problem areas and their corresponding cosmetic solutions.
The Neck
The neck region is vulnerable to aging for a number of reasons. First off, it’s exposed to just as much sun as the face – which can be a major problem for those of us who don’t extend our SPF moisturizers to protect the neck. The skin on the neck is also thinner than facial skin and the muscles are weaker. This means less resilience and more sagging.
Surgical Fix: Neck Lift Surgery
Non-Surgical Fixes: Botox Injections, Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Crepey Skin
As we age, the skin our face gradually begins to loose elasticity and collagen content – this process can make the skin appear thinner and more wrinkled. Crepey skin is most often found around the eyes, cheeks and neck. Symptoms can be accelerated by sun damage, smoking, dehydration and environmental factors.
Non-Surgical Fixes: RetinA (tretinoin), Chemical Peels, Laser Skin Rejuvenation
The Hands
Similar to the neck, the hands are often subject to a lot of sun exposure because most people don’t cover them with UV protection on a daily basis. Years of excessive sun exposure combined with the normal effects of gravity and aging can cause your hands to appear wrinkled, sunken and freckled.
Non-Surgical Fixes: Dermal Fillers, Chemical Peels, Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Aging and a loss of skin elasticity often lead to sagging skin around the face. Jowls, which can be described as sagging cheeks and a softening jawline, are often the beginnings of a double chin. As a result, they’re one of the most common reasons given for first-time cosmetic surgery consults.
Surgical Fix: Face Lift Surgery
Non-Surgical Fix: Laser Rejuvenation
How One Procedure May Stop Your Wrinkles In Their Tracks

We all want to look our best, and have confidence in our appearance. As we age, our bodies change in ways that make us uncomfortable about how we look. One of the first signs of aging, for example, is the visual emergence of facial wrinkles. Years of laughing, smiling, frowning, and squinting combined with exposure to sunlight, harsh weather conditions, pollutants, and chemicals can contribute to the development of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.
Continue reading “How One Procedure May Stop Your Wrinkles In Their Tracks” »
Seniors More Interested in Cosmetic Surgery
Divorce rates in the over 50 crowd have nearly doubled in the past two decades. And as a result of their newly single status, more senior* men and women are looking to enhance their looks with cosmetic surgery.
Well-preserved so-called female ‘silver separators’ like Susan Sarandon, 66, and ‘silver foxes’ like Richard Gere, 63, have become a source of inspiration for seniors as they re-enter the dating pool. They’re walking-talking proof that age doesn’t have to define a person’s looks or lifestyle.
Senior Cosmetic Surgery: Facts & Figures
According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), men and women between the ages of 51 and 64 make up nearly 28 percent of cosmetic enhancements annually. While seniors over 65 make up a little over 8 percent – a nearly 80 percent increase in the past 10 years.
So what cosmetic procedures are the most popular with the over 50-crowd? According to the ASAPS, it’s mostly anti-aging surgical procedures that rejuvenate the face:
Not Everyone is Candidate for Cosmetic Surgery
Because cosmetic surgery is elective, it should only be performed when the risk of complication is extremely low. Seniors are more likely to be diagnosed with medical conditions that can increase their risk of experiencing post-surgical complications.
They’re also more likely to be taking medications such as anticoagulants (like a daily aspirin) that can interfere with the surgical process. However, generally speaking a patient’s overall health is a better indicator of their candidacy for cosmetic surgery rather than their actual age.
If you’re thinking about cosmetic enhancement, it’s best to schedule a consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon. He or she will be able to determine if surgery is safe and effective option available for you.
*We’ve chosen to loosely define senior by AARP standards as 50 years of age and older.
Wednesday Afternoons: Bad for Your Looks?
If you happened to take a quick peak in a mirror earlier today, you might be able to relate to the results of a new study.
St. Tropez (a self-tanning retailer), decided to investigate aging and how appearances change throughout the work week. And what they found was that women look their oldest around 3:30pm every Wednesday.
The Aging Effects of Work Stress & Weekend Partying
So what’s the deal?
According to the study, Wednesday is when low energy levels, work stress and the effects of late weekend nights prevail – leaving some women looking a little worse for wear.
Of those surveyed, about one in ten women (12 percent to be exact) revealed Wednesday to the most stressful day of their week – with one in five admitting they usually work through their designated lunch hour.
Wednesday isn’t the only stressful day of the week though; a quarter of women surveyed also admitted to feeling stressed out several times a week.
As far as weekend drinking goes, you might feel the physical effects the next day, but they won’t appear on your face for about 72 hours – otherwise known as Wednesday afternoon.
Thursday, Friday & Beyond
Interestingly enough, the study also revealed that once women make it over that Wednesday afternoon slump, they start feeling frisky. Thursday is when women are most likely to get romantic – giving them a rosy Friday glow.
As a result (along with several other reasons) Friday is the happiest day of the week for 60 percent of study participants.
While we’ll admit the results of this study are certainly interesting, it’s important to consider the source. In addition to researching the aging process, St. Tropez also sells anti-aging products. This study in particular, coincides with the release of their newest anti-aging self-tanning lotion.
Source: DailyMail
Photo Credit: cwangdom
Makers of Anti-Aging Products Struggle With Anti-Competition
Its an age-old problem: someone starts a company and later sells it, then starts
another company and winds up in competition with the one they sold. But isn’t all fair in love, war, and business? Well maybe, maybe not.
The Superior Court of California (Los Angeles County) will have to decide in one such case involving two companies founded by the same man, industry leader Dr. Zein Obagi. ZO Skin Health (ZO), a company founded by Dr. Zein Obagi, has filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles County Superior Court seeking an injunction and other relief against Obagi Medical Products (OMP), another company founded by Dr. Obagi but later sold to outside investors.
The suit claims, among other things, anti-competitive practices by OMP. According to the complaint, OMP contacted a would-be e-commerce distributor that stood ready to distribute a new product line for ZO Skin Health. Apparently, OMP informed the distributor of a non-compete agreement between the parties, thus stopping, at least temporarily, the distribution of the products. Of course, OMP denies any anti-competitive conduct in the matter, and says it will vigorously defend the suit.
The demand for anti-aging skin care solutions has increased over the last decade as baby-boomers have taken advantage of advances in skin care science. In fact, between 2006 and 2008, U.S. sales alone rose 13% to 1.6 billion dollars, and the trend shows no sign of weakening.
Read more about Obagi Medical Products
Cosmetic Surgery Numbers by Age: An Infographic
Age is more than just a number – especially in terms of cosmetic enhancement numbers. As we get older, our bodies gradually begin to change, and so do our cosmetic priorities and expectations.
Though men and women of all ages seek out cosmetic enhancement, the type and frequency vary significantly across age. To elucidate cosmetic enhancement trends across age, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) recently released an infographic on the subject.
Men and Women 19-34
Those in the 19-34 group comprise around 19.5% of total surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures performed annually. And in general, younger adults seek out cosmetic procedures to enhance body proportions, facial imbalances or skin tone and texture.
Most popular surgical procedures:
Most popular non-surgical procedures:
- Microdermabrasion
- Laser hair removal
- Botox injections
Men and Women 35-50
Approximately 42.9% of cosmetic procedures performed annually are within the 35-50 age group – making them the most likely to seek out cosmetic enhancement. For this age group, anti-aging and body contouring procedures are by far the most popular.
Most popular surgical procedures:
- Breast surgery
- Tummy Tuck
- Liposuction
Most popular non-surgical procedures:
- Botox, Dysport & Xeomin
- Laser resurfacing
- Chemical peels
- Light treatments
Men and Women 51-64
Those in the 51-64 age group comprise around 27.8% of cosmetic procedures performed annually – making them the second most likely to seek out surgical and non-surgical enhancement. Anti-aging surgical procedures (rather than non-surgical) that minimize wrinkles and rejuvenate the face are the most popular.
Most popular surgical procedures:
Men and Women 65+
Men and women 65 and over are the least likely to seek out cosmetic enhancement. Roughly 8.3% of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures are performed in this age group. Though this group is small, it’s been steadily growing – increasing by nearly 80% in the past 10 years.
Most popular surgical procedures:
- Neck lift
- Neck liposuction
- Enhancing or correcting previous cosmetic procedures
Check out the actual infographic below.