8 Things to Look For When Selecting a Cosmetic Dentist? in Maryland (MD) | by Will Surgical Arts

(301) 874-1707 | Urbana |

Michael J. Will, MD, DDS, FACS
Maryland (301) 874-1707

8 Things to Look For When Selecting a Cosmetic Dentist?

1. Training

Cosmetic dentistry requires a lot of extra continuing education training beyond the limits of dental school. The best case scenario is
to have a dentist who teaches other dentists, either by lecture or published articles, how to complete good cosmetic dentistry.

2. Experience

There is no substitute for experience. As an instructor in dental school once told me, “The first 1,000 times you complete a dental procedure are a little tough, but they get pretty easy after that.”

3. Photographs

Expect a good cosmetic dentist to make a lot of photographs before, during, and after the treatment. You should also expect to see a virtual smile makeover photograph before starting to give you an idea of the final results.

4. Models

Cosmetic dentists will usually provide a wax model for your approval prior to starting your case. A wax model gives you a 3-D view of your new smile.

5. Loops

Expect your cosmetic dentist to be wearing magnification loops or glasses. Not because he has poor eyesight, but to magnify your teeth to 2.5 to 5 times their normal size. If everything looks good under that kind of magnification, it will certainly look good to the naked eye.

6. Temporary Crowns

While your custom crowns or veneers are being constructed in the lab, you should expect your temporary crowns to look beautiful and almost like the final product.

7. Patience

It takes a long time to properly prepare and place cosmetic crowns and veneers. Look for a dentist with enough patience to take the time to do the job right the first time.

8. Lab

Last but not least, a good cosmetic dentist will work closely with a high- quality cosmetic dental lab in order to provide you with the best and most pleasing natural results.

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