Rhinoplasty in Frederick, Maryland | Top Rated Rhinoplasty Treatment

(301) 874-1707 | Urbana |

Michael J. Will, MD, DDS, FACS
Maryland (301) 874-1707


Nasal reconstruction was one of the first cosmetic procedures ever developed and is among the most frequently performed today.

Dr. Will performs rhinoplasty to reshape the nose and to enhance its aesthetic characteristics. Imperfections or deformities of the nose are corrected by removing, rearranging or reshaping bone or cartilage. For those who are dissatisfied with the shape and size of their nose, rhinoplasty can be an excellent solution.

Reasons for Rhinoplasty

Most people who undergo rhinoplasty want to:

  • Reduce the size of the nose
  • Remove nasal bumps
  • Improve the nasal angle
  • Alleviate breathing difficulties.

The procedure can be performed on men or women of varying age groups, including teens and the elderly.

Before Rhinoplasty: Preparing for Surgery

A medical history and examination is performed, and then we’ll discuss the way your nose can look in relation to your other facial features. Digital Photographs and computer imaging aid Dr. Will in determining your ideal result. Pre-operative instructions may include eliminating certain drugs that contain aspirin to minimize the possibility of excess bleeding. Antibiotics may be prescribed before surgery to prevent infection.

Rhinoplasty Surgery

Surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, which is comfortable and results in less swelling and bruising. In cases involving a size reduction or the removal of a hump, the skin of the nose may be separated from the underlying bone and cartilage. The bone and cartilage are then reshaped, and the skin re-draped over the surface.

Patients who have a deviated septum may benefit by correction of this problem. The incisions are placed inside the nose, unless the surgeon uses an open approach, in which case the incisions are made across the columella (the tissue between the nostrils). In cases where the nostrils flare, the surgeon may make an incision at the junction between the nose and the skin of the upper lip to narrow the flared appearance.

To further enhance their facial profile, some patients choose to combine rhinoplasty with chin augmentation.

Recovery from Rhinoplasty

The recovery takes one to two weeks. Most people resume their normal activities within a week or two. Following surgery, a lightweight splint is applied to maintain the new shape of the nose. The splint is removed within a week. Nasal packs may be inserted at the time of surgery to protect the septum.

These are removed within a few days. There is always some stuffiness of the nose, especially when work has been done on the nasal septum. Pain is minimal and is controlled with medications. Bruising occurs around the eyes and begins to fade within a few days. Discoloration usually disappears in two weeks.


Your insurance company may pay for all or part of the costs associated with your surgery if it is performed as a result of nasal obstruction. We recommend checking with your provider to determine if coverage is possible.

Do you have questions about rhinoplasty? A personal consultation with Dr. Will is the best time to get answers. Dr. Will can examine your nose and help determine whether rhinoplasty is right for you. Contact Will Surgical Arts in Urbana, Maryland to learn more about nose reshaping with rhinoplasty. Our cosmetic surgery practice is conveniently located for rhinoplasty patients residing in Frederick, Urbana and the Washington, DC metro area.

Call Us at (301) 874-1707

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“Patient care was incredible! We are so very happy our child was referred to Dr. Will. We appreciate the attentiveness given to his medical condition. Will highly recommend to others.”

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