Laser Hair Removal in Frederick, Maryland | Top Rated Laser Hair Removal Treatment

(301) 874-1707 | Urbana |

Michael J. Will, MD, DDS, FACS
Maryland (301) 874-1707

Laser Hair Removal

Many men and women live with unwanted hair and have tried many options such as shaving, waxing, and electrolysis. Patients find that shaving is a daily nuisance and that waxing is painful and not permanent. Electrolysis can be effective, but it is limited because it can only treat one hair follicle at a time.

Laser hair removal is a popular and effective treatment for reducing unwanted hair anywhere on the body.

For laser hair removal at our Urbana, Maryland medical spa, we use Palomar StarLux pulsed light therapy to provide patients with a lasting solution for unwanted hair. Patients love this pulsed light alternative, because it is:

  • Permanent: Concentrated pulses of light loosen hair and disable the cells responsible for new hair growth.
  • Fast: Small areas, such as the underarms or upper lip, can be treated in 10 minutes or less. Larger areas like the back or legs can be treated in under a half hour.
  • Comfortable: Various cooling methods keep the light pulses mild and skin-safe, allowing for more comfortable treatments than electrolysis or waxing.
  • Convenient: Unlike waxing, there is no need to let hair grow out between treatments. You can remain hair free throughout the process.

The Laser Hair Removal Process

During your treatment, a handpiece will move over the desired areas, while pulsing a beam of light through your skin. You may notice a flashing light, an audible tone, and a mild sensation on your skin when the device is active. It is typical to return for several treatments to achieve permanent hair reduction.

Following Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Some patients report a mild, sunburn-like sensation accompanied by occasional minor swelling after laser hair removal. Any sensation or swelling typically disappears within 2-24 hours. A cold gel or ice pack can be used to soothe the treated areas. After treatment, hair will continue to appear for 7-30 days post-treatment. It is important to note that this is not new hair growth, but only treated hairs being expelled from the skin. Repeat laser hair removal treatments are required because not all of your hair is in an active growth phase at any given time.

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“Patient care was incredible! We are so very happy our child was referred to Dr. Will. We appreciate the attentiveness given to his medical condition. Will highly recommend to others.”

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