(301) 874-1707 | Urbana |
Many women say they haven’t been able to wear form fitting clothing or a two-piece bathing suit for years because they are distressed by excess skin and fat in their abdominal area that they are unable to diet or exercise away. Loose, sagging skin and a protruding belly resulting from lax muscles and fat deposits make the tummy tuck one of our most requested procedures.
When diet and exercise won’t eliminate a small, but bothersome pouch of skin and fat below the navel, an abdominoplasty can help you regain a flat belly and taut, smooth abdominal contour.
The mini abdominoplasty (sometimes called the “scarless tummy tuck”) is a good option when you have a small amount of extra fat and or minor loosening of skin below the navel. The mini abdominoplasty calls for a smaller horizontal incision than the traditional full abdominoplasty, and it’s made near the top of the pubic hair line. Excess skin and fat are removed and loose muscles are tightened. Then the skin is pulled downward and sculpted into place. Sometimes the procedure is combined with liposuction to remove excess fatty tissue.
A full abdominoplasty is a more extensive surgery. It’s the procedure of choice when there is more protusion of the abdominal muscle wall and a significant amount of excess fat, sagging skin, and stretch marks. The full abdominoplasty involves removing loose skin and fat and tightening down muscles that may have become lax as a result of pregnancy, weight gain, or the aging process itself.
Repositioning of the navel is usually done to bring the abdominal area back into harmony. Because excess skin between the navel and the pubic mound is removed, this will eliminate stretch marks too – an added bonus for many women who have them as a result of pregnancies or significant weight gain. While the mini abdominoplasty can often be done under local anesthesia, the full abdominoplasty requires general anesthesia and a longer recovery period.
“Patient care was incredible! We are so very happy our child was referred to Dr. Will. We appreciate the attentiveness given to his medical condition. Will highly recommend to others.”
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