Botox as a Headache Treatment? Researchers Say Yes in Maryland (MD) | by Will Surgical Arts

(301) 874-1707 | Urbana |

Michael J. Will, MD, DDS, FACS
Maryland (301) 874-1707

Botox as a Headache Treatment? Researchers Say Yes

botox-urbanaBotox may be used to relieve migraine headaches, according to new research published in Archives of Dermatology. Botox injections “at doses appropriate for cosmetic purposes may be sufficient to prevent migraine attacks” concluded authors of the study.

An article on says Allergan applied for FDA clearance for this treatment application.  However, researchers say they can’t explain how Botox works to relieve headaches. One co-author of the study, Rami Burstein says, “[Botox] may block the signals in sensory nerves located on the outside of the head.”

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