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Michael J. Will, MD, DDS, FACS
Maryland (301) 874-1707


Surgeon Says Hyaluronic Acid Gel Injection Effective for Breast Enhancement

injections for breast enhancement A Swedish doctor says that hyaluronic acid gel injections are effective for breast enhancement.

Per Hedén, MD, PhD, says the injectable is a simple and safe alternative for women who want to enhance their breasts, but aren’t ready to have breast implant surgery.

“Hyaluronic acid gel injection … provides immediate results with minimal discomfort, and in clinical trials, it was associated with high ratings of breast general appearance, shape and firmness,” Dr.  Hedén told Cosmetic Surgery Times.

The hyaluronic acid gel that has been developed for use on the breast, Macrolane, is approved for use in Europe but does not currently have FDA approval in the United States.

Dr. Hedén says there have been no serious complications with Macrolane noted in studies, but hyaluronic acid gel for breast enhancement is new, so there isn’t yet long-term data on the procedure.

Breast Implant Alternative?

While the filler offers a less-invasive alternative to implants, it actually often opens the door to implants, according to Dr. Hedén, who says that 30 percent of his patients who first try injections eventually undergo breast augmentation. It may because the injections allow a woman to see how happy she is with larger breasts before deciding to undergo surgery.

In addition to a lack of long-term data, the gel has a few other drawbacks. The absorption of the material isn’t predicable, and the amount of gel that remains after a year varies anywhere from 5 to 85 percent. In addition, patients will probably need a touch-up after nine to 12 months, according to Dr. Hedén.

Since Macrolane does not have FDA approval, breast augmentation is the best procedure for women looking to enlarge their breasts. One other possible alternative is fat grafting. Used mainly for the face, some cosmetic surgeons now use the technique for breast enhancement as well.

3 Tips to Ensure Optimal Facelift Recovery

Recovery after a facelift can seem like a daunting and drawn-out process—but it doesn’t have to be. While it will take a little downtime to properly heal from this age-defying procedure, in just a few weeks you’ll be on the road to doing everything that you love. Here are a few tips to maximize your recovery efforts after a facelift in Maryland with Dr. Will.

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Top 4 Affordable Anti-Aging Treatments

Not everyone wants to spend thousands of dollars on cosmetic enhancement – and luckily they don’t have to. These days, there are a number of cosmetic procedures, medications and injectable treatments on the market designed to turn back time without breaking the back.

The treatments below all cost less than one thousand dollars:

1) Chemical Peels

One of the oldest cosmetic treatments in the world, a chemical peel is an acid-based solution that removes the top layer of skin, revealing a more youthful complexion underneath. Chemical peels can be used to treat a wide range of skin imperfections, including fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, uneven skin tone and superficial acne scars.

2) Intense Pulsed Light therapy

Intense pulsed light therapy (or IPL) is similar to cosmetic laser treatment – but instead of emitting only one wavelength of light, IPL treatments emit a broad spectrum with each pulse. This makes IPL diverse enough to offer significant improvement after a single treatment. IPL is an effective treatment for sun damage, wrinkles, vascular birthmarks, rosacea, broken capillaries and facial redness.

3) Botox Injections

Botox is the most popular minimally-invasive procedure in the world – and for good reason. It’s both effective and affordable. A quick and easy injection, Botox can be used to treat wrinkles between the brows, forehead creases and lines around the eyes. It can also be an effective way to rejuvenate cleavage or eliminate neck bands.

4) Tretinoin (Retin-A)

Originally developed to treat acne, Tretinoin is a topical cream also known for its powerful anti-aging properties. Continued use of Tretinoin speeds up the cell turnover process and increases collagen production beneath the skin. The result is a reduction in fine wrinkling, sun damage, skin roughness, and loose skin.  Tretinoin creams are available in prescription-strength doses, as well as over-the-counter.

Are you interested in learning more about our anti-aging treatments? Contact us to schedule a personal consultation today!

Women Willing to Sacrifice for Ideal Body

women willing to sacrifice for ideal bodyWhat are women willing to sacrifice for their ideal body? A new survey shows that some would sacrifice a lot — 16 percent would trade 1 year of their life to achieve their ideal body weight and shape!

The survey of 320 women (average age of 24 years) was conducted at 20 British universities and also found that many participants would consider cosmetic surgery.

Almost 40 percent of the women surveyed reported that if money wasn’t a concern they would have cosmetic surgery to alter their appearance. Of those who said they would have cosmetic surgery, 76 percent desired multiple surgical procedures, and 5 percent reported they had already had a cosmetic procedure to alter their appearance.

The survey also found that in order to achieve their ideal body weight and shape, 26 percent of those surveyed were willing to sacrifice a variety of things, including:

  • £5000 from their annual salary (13%)
  • A promotion at work (8%)
  • Achieving an honors degree (6%)
  • Spending time with their partner (9%)
  • Spending time with their friends (9%)

The survey also revealed that 46 percent said they had been ridiculed or bullied because of their appearance, while 93 percent said they had had negative thoughts about their appearance during the past week.

Cosmetic surgery offers women lots of options for improving the body’s appearance, such as liposuction and tummy tuck. For those that undergo bariatric surgery to reduce their weight, there is a variety of body contouring procedures available to tone the body after significant weight loss, such as an arm lift.

Use of Platelet-Rich Plasma is Expanding

Platelet Rich Plasma is no longer limited to treatment of injuries in high profile athletes. Orthopedic surgeons say they have witnessed rapid healing time with PRP when it is used to treat hamstring sprains, calf strains, oblique strains and tissues that “traditionally don’t do a good job of healing by themselves.”

A recent article appearing in the Wall Street Journal discusses the documented benefits (and possible limits) of platelet rich plasma, responding to research presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Link: Spinning Blood Isn’t Just for Athletes

Minimal-Scar Breast Implant Incisions Avoid the Breast

breast augmentation incisions MarylandOne of the decisions breast augmentation patients must make before their surgery is the location of the incisions for their implants.

While there will always be scarring with breast implants, New You Magazine recently gave an overview of some of the incision techniques being used to reduce the visibility of scarring.

Minimal-Scar Breast Augmentation Incision Techniques

Dr. Angelo Cuzalina, an Oklahoma cosmetic surgeon, pointed out that: “Different patients have different definitions of ‘minimal-scar’ surgery. But for some women, a scar on the breast just isn’t acceptable.”

Here are some options for breast implant incisions that avoid the breast entirely.

Arm Pit: This technique uses an incision in the pocket of the armpit and works best for those with deep armpits. One of the advantages of this incision, according to Dr. Cuzalina, is that the surgeon can visualize the muscle with a camera during surgery.

Belly Button: The transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) has the incision through the belly button, so the incisions are hidden in the navel. One drawback is that only saline implants can be used, and Dr. Cuzalina said that patients without a lot of fat on their stomachs may not be the best candidates.

Tummy Tuck: The transabdominoplasty, or TABA technique, can be used when the patient is having a tummy tuck at the same time as the breast augmentation. The surgeon then uses the tummy tuck incision to place the implants. However, this technique can’t be used if the patient also wants a breast lift.

If you are considering an incision technique away from the breast, be sure that your cosmetic surgeon is experienced with the technique you want, as the minimal-scar techniques can require greater skill.

Martha Stewart Reveals Top Beauty Tricks

Martha StewartFamous worldwide for impeccable taste and a keen eye for detail, Martha Stewart takes a similar approach to her daily beauty routine.

In the most recent issue of Allure Magazine, the 71 year old former model turned business woman revealed some of her most intimate beauty tricks, including the secret behind her blemish-free complexion:

“I rarely get blemishes now, but if perchance I’m starting to get one, I extract it with my old-fashion fingers, unless I’m getting a facial later that week. I don’t like metal on my face.”

“I’ve tried Botox…”

Martha also wasn’t afraid to admit she ops for the occasional Botox and Juvederm touch-up:

“I haven’t had facial surgery yet, but I did get Juvederm filler after my dog bashed my lip and split it open. I tried Botox. It works for certain things, like for skin under the chin, but I don’t want a taut jawline and a quizzical look.”

As for her more conventional beauty tricks, Martha says she cleanses her face with a hot, steamy cloth every night to loosen up her makeup. She also uses some of her expertly crafted DIY skills to formulate her very own beauty products:

“I’ve made all kinds of things. For instance, I love salt. So I use sea salt, grated lemon peel and sesame seed oil (but not hot sesame oil). That’s s a very good scrub. Sesame oil is the best oil for your skin. It has no smell and dries like a powder.”

Interested in learning more about Martha’s beauty routine? Check out her latest book Living the Good Life, a practical beauty guide for women over 40, which is due to hit store shelves late April.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Am I A Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Liposuction can be a wonderful way to reduce stubborn pockets of excess fatWoman in black bra and underwear holding measuring tape around fit torso and create a shapelier body contour. It is minimally invasive, with a relatively short recovery period, and results are permanent if you maintain a healthy lifestyle and stable weight.

The best way to learn if you are a good candidate for liposuction is to visit Dr. Michael Will for an in-person consultation. Call Will Surgical Arts today at 301-874-1707 to schedule your initial consultation.

The Ideal Liposuction Candidate

The best candidates for liposuction are those who:

  • Are at or near their goal weight
  • Are confident in their ability to maintain a stable, healthy weight
  • Have stubborn areas of fat that haven’t responded to diet and exercise
  • Have sufficient skin elasticity

Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure, so the closer you are to your goal weight, the better your results will be. You will not lose a significant amount of weight after having liposuction, but you can drop a pant size or two.

Liposuction results can be permanent if you maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, if you gain a significant amount of weight, you risk losing your results. This is why it’s so important to be able to maintain a healthy, stable weight.

You may not be a good liposuction candidate if:

  • You are looking for a quick and easy way to lose weight
  • You are a heavy smoker
  • You are considered technically obese, with a BMI of over 30

While overweight men and women can benefit from liposuction, if you are obese, Dr. Will may suggest that you lose some weight on your own before undergoing liposuction. Liposuction can help to create a better body contour that in some cases can motivate significantly overweight patients to eat healthier and do more exercise. However, elective surgery can be dangerous if your BMI is too high.

Smoking is also a contraindication to elective plastic surgery. Smoking significantly increases your risk of serious complications from surgery. You may still be a candidate if you are able to quit smoking for two weeks before and after surgery, though.

Do You Need Liposuction or a Tummy Tuck?

People are often confused about the difference between liposuction and a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck is a much more invasive procedure than liposuction, but it also nets much more dramatic results. You are probably a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you:

  • Have loose, separated abdominal muscles (this is common after childbirth)
  • Have a significant amount of excess skin (common after childbirth or massive weight loss)

A tummy tuck addresses loose abdominal muscles and excess skin, while liposuction does not. A tummy tuck can also get rid of much more fat in the abdominal area than is possible with liposuction (although, again, it is not a tool for weight loss).

Liposuction can be combined with a tummy tuck for more comprehensive results than a tummy tuck alone can accomplish. The tummy tuck flattens the stomach, while liposuction addresses other areas such as the flanks, bra bulge, thighs, or back.

Dr. Will can help determine which procedure is best for you during your consultation.

Schedule Your Liposuction Consultation

If you are interested in liposuction, call Dr. Will today at 301-874-1707 to schedule your consultation. We serve patients in Urbana and surrounding areas.

Many Women Suffer From Acne After Teen Years

hormones and acne in womenWhile we associate acne with our teenage years, many women suffer from acne well beyond their teens.

According to a presentation by dermatologist Dr. Bethanee Jean Schlosser at the American Academy of Dermatology’s recent annual meeting, adult-onset acne is becoming more common among women in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s.

A 2011 study that looked at photos of women from age 10 to 70 for signs of acne found the following:

  • 45% of women aged 21-30 had acne
  • 26% of women aged 31-40 had acne
  • 12% of women aged 41-50 had acne

The Link Between Hormones & Acne in Women

Hormones contribute to some of the primary causes of acne. For instance, hormones can cause excess oil gland production, and they can cause shedded skin cells to become sticky and clog up in the hair follicle.

Male hormones, called androgens, are present in both men and women and can cause acne by overstimulating the oil glands and changing the development of skin cells around hair follicles.

Acne Treatments for Women

Treatments for acne in women should be specific to the type and severity of the acne, according to Dr. Schlosser. In addition, other conditions, such as pregnancy, rosacea, and age must also be considered, as some common topical acne treatments may not be compatible with these conditions.

One common acne treatment is topical retinoids, which, according to Dr. Schlosser, is the preferred treatment for the long-term prevention of acne.

Another possible treatment for women’s acne is certain oral contraceptives. The FDA has approved several oral contraceptives for this use, as they change the levels and activity of hormones that can bring on acne.

An alternative to oral and topical medications is pulsed light therapy, which attacks acne-causing bacteria and inhibits future acne breakouts.

You may also be able to prevent acne by following some of these skin care tips:

  • Use noncomedogenic and sensitive skin products.
  • Use a mild cleanser, twice a day.
  • Use a noncomedogenic moisturizer daily.
  • Avoid using cleansers with scrubbing particles, which can irritate the skin.

And remember, no matter how tempting, don’t pick, squeeze, or pop acne! You can scar your skin. If you already have acne scars, there are treatments, such as laser skin resurfacing, to minimize the scarring.

Surgeons Perform First Full Face Transplant in U.S.

A 25-year-old construction worker from Texas who was disfigured in a power line accident has received the first full face transplant in the U.S. A team of more than 30 doctors and other providers led by plastic surgeon Dr. Bohdan Pomahac at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston performed the transplant during a  15-hour surgery on the man.

The recipient received a new nose, lips, skin, muscle and nerves from an unidentified donor. The U.S. military paid for the operation, and it plans to use knowledge gained from the procedure to help soldiers with severe facial wounds.

The man will not resemble “either what he used to be or the donor,” but something in between, according to Dr. Pomahac. “The tissues are really molded on a new person.”

The operation was not able to restore the man’s sight, and some nerves were so badly damaged from his injury that he will probably have only partial sensation on his left cheek and left forehead, the surgeon said.

About a dozen face transplants have been done worldwide, in the U.S., France, Spain and China. This was the third in the U.S.; the first two were partial transplants.

While face transplants are rare, oral and maxillofacial surgery for less severe facial injuries, including facial lacerations, fractured facial bones and fractured jaws, are more common.

“Patient care was incredible! We are so very happy our child was referred to Dr. Will. We appreciate the attentiveness given to his medical condition. Will highly recommend to others.”

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